ManicTime uses tags to track and describe your activities, such as which client, project, or task you were working on. While tags can be customized, having a consistent structure is crucial for accurate reporting and analysis.
By defining allowed tags on the cloud/server, administrators can provide a standardized list of tags that all users must follow. This prevents users from creating their own tags, which could lead to inconsistencies and make it harder to maintain clear, organized data.
Define server tags, which can then be used for tagging. The most simple way is to just write all tag combinations, each on its own line. For example:
Client 1, Project X, Activity 1
Client 2, Project Y, Activity 2
When you define server tags, ManicTime will only allow tags defined on the server. Users will not be able to write their own tags.
Can users append additional tags to allowed tags?
By default users can append additional tags to allowed tags. So for example if these are allowed tags:
Client 1, Project X, Activity 1
Client 2, Project Y, Activity 2
User can still tag with:
Client 1, Project X, Activity 1, Sub activity 1
To disallow additional tags uncheck "User can append tags to allowed tags" check box. If you want to disallow only specific allowed tags, then end them with ",.", like:
Client 1, Project X, Activity 1,.
Client 2, Project Y, Activity 2,.
Assign tags to specific team or user
You can restrict some tags to specific teams or users. For example to restrict tags to specific teams, use {}, for specific users use []:
Tag, For all
[doman\user2, domain\user1]
Tag, Some users
{team1, team2}
Tag, Some teams
Alternative way to create allowed tag list
You can also use partial tags for easier tag generation. Lets say each project has sub-tags Design, Programming, Testing. You can use:
Project X,
Project Y,
Above example will create the following tags:
Project X, Design, Task1
Project X, Design, Task2
Project X, Programming, Task1
Project X, Programming, Task2
Project X, Testing, Task1
Project X, Testing, Task2
Project Y, Design, Task1
Project Y, Design, Task2
Project Y, Programming, Task1
Project Y, Programming, Task2
Project Y, Testing, Task1
Project Y, Testing, Task2
Updating server tags automatically
You have two options to update server tags automatically from other systems, via a web service or via file.
Edit tags via web service
Web service can be used in combination with Manual tags. Tags from web service will overwrite all previous tags. You can then modify them in editor, but next update from web service will again overwrite any changes.
To see how web service works we suggest you take a look at a sample we created.
Edit tags via file (on-premise server only)
Go to Tags -> Edit tags on ManicTimeServer.
Set a full path to a file which contains tags. For example:
ManicTime server will update tags automatically when the file changes.
Within file you can use the same text as described above.
You can also use the file, which is the result of Export in ManicTime client (Tag Editor -> Export)