Corrupted database

In rare cases the database can get corrupted. If you have any backups, you can fix the problem by restoring the database. But you can still try to fix the problem:

ManicTime uses two database, ManicTimeCore and ManicTimeReports. If ManicTimeReports gets corrupted, then you can just delete the file and you will not lose any data since this database can be regenerated from ManicTimeCore.db. So first try this:
Exit ManicTime, go to


and delete file ManicTimeReports.db. Only this file. Then start ManicTime, it will take some time to recreate this database.

If that does not help, then the problem is in ManicTimeCore.db database.

Fixing ManicTimeCore database

We made a tool which might help. Download for Windows Download for Mac (Intel) Download for Mac (Apple silicon) Download for Linux (x64) Download for Linux (ARM)

  1. Exit ManicTime.

  2. Extract the files to some folder (like a folder inside your Downloads folder).

  3. Go to this folder

  4. Copy file ManicTimeCore.db to the same folder where you unpacked the tool

  5. Run the tool from Command prompt with

     mtdb.exe repair -dbpa ManicTimeCore.db
  6. Copy ManicTimeCore.db file back to

  7. In the same folder delete ManicTimeReports.db file.

  8. Run ManicTime

If that does not help, then you can try the tools which are provided by SQLite.

Fixing ManicTimeCore with SQLite tools

If that also doesn't help, then try this tool, by the makers of SQLite database:

It is linked on their download page. Then:

  1. Exit ManicTime.

  2. Extract downloaded files to some folder (like a folder inside your Downloads folder).

  3. Go to this folder

  4. Copy file ManicTimeCore.db to the same folder where you unpacked the tool

  5. Run the tool from Command prompt with

     sqlite3 ManicTimeCore.db ".recover" | sqlite3 ManicTimeCore-Repaired.db
  6. Copy ManicTimeCore-Repaired.db file back to

  7. Rename file ManicTimeCore-Repaired.db to ManicTimeCore.db (you can make a backup of the old ManicTimeCore.db).

  8. In the same folder delete ManicTimeReports.db file.

  9. Run ManicTime

If nothing helps...

Then all you can do is either use an older backup or delete the database files and lose all your data. To delete database files, make sure ManicTime is not running, then go to


and delete files ManicTimeCore.db and ManicTimeReports.db. Next time you will start ManicTime, a new database will be created and it should work OK.