
All reports follow the same pattern. At the top you can select which data to include and set a date range.  By default it is set to all users for today.

Some reports only work for one day, like Overview and Timelines, so you can only choose one day in Date range. Each report has a short description under the title.


  • Dashboard - Overview of data for selected period.
  • Daily overview - Daily summary of user's activity
  • Productivity - Productivity is based on selection of productive applications and web sites
  • Categories - Applications and websites can be assigned into custom categories in Administration -> Productivity
  • Timelines - Usage data displayed on timelines. On the right you can select which timelines to show. Click on the three dots on the right side of each timeline to see e details.
  • Overtime - Showing difference between Actual user work hours per day and Expected user work hours per day
  • Untagged time - How much time is left untagged between first and last interaction with a computer
  • Start/End - First and last interaction with computer
  • Attendance and leave - Showing user active, absent and leave days
  • Active time - Computer usage by hour of day
  • Applications - Top application used
  • Web sites - Most visited websites
  • Documents - Most worked on documents
  • Tags - Drill down report of entered tags
  • Timesheet - This is the only view where the data will be shown after you click "Generate" button.